Sunday, September 18, 2016

Random bits

Lots and none at all, going on here recently.  We did have a week long break in the hot weather.   But now the heat and humidity has returned. So much for Fall, eh?

The Monkeys and I have started their schooling already.  We also joined the local homeschool co-op, and they get three enrichment classes on Fridays for ten weeks.  I think it's pretty neat, except that I, yeah me, has to teach a class!  I submitted two, and they picked the one I really didn't feel as confident in, of course.  So, yours truly is teaching Intro to Ham Radio, to a group of seven 7th-12th grade boys.  I think I'm terrified!  Of course, being a procrastinator doesn't help me any either.  Still I think I can manage, especially once the text book I ordered comes in for them.

Our chickens are all doing well.  Octavia continues to grace us with a lovely little brown egg a day.  They are quite tasty too, though we need to allow them more time out of the run, to free range, and eat more bugs.  The Monkeys are just worried about raccoons, Mississippi Kites, and dogs/coyotes marauding through the flock, so they tend not to allow them as much time out of the run as I would like.

But yesterday was special!  Yesterday, Oddball, our only Brown Leghorn, laid her first egg!  We know it was her, because it's a white egg, not brown.  She is the only white egg layer in the flock.  Unfortunately, she chose the same nesting box that Octavia prefers.  This may lead to some chicken squabbles.  Soon, we expect the rest of the flock will start laying.  But hopefully they will choose a different nesting box or two (we have 8) and not all try to use the same box!

Today, the Monkeys report that Octavia is sitting in the nesting box, Oddball wants in it too, and that the feisty Orpie is eyeing the boxes also!  Perhaps by the time we return from church this afternoon, there will be more eggs.

Though Labor Day has come and gone, we are still using our pool.  The water temp is going down, from a high of the mid 90's, to a fairly stable 85-87F.  That feels chilly at first, but in reality is quite nice.   Though we do fire up the spa heater, to be able to soak in warm comfort.  I don't think we will actually "close" the pool at all, though we will only use the spa.  And to use the spa, we have to keep the pool in service condition.  They're all connected, you know.  I'm actually looking forward to using the hot spa on a cold winter's night after lifting heavy that evening.

We still have several projects on tap for this fall.  We are clearing out some deadwood from a friend's pasture.  Taht will take cooler weather, and time.  The trees that blew down are huge!  Then we also have to split said wood.  Not having a hydraulic splitter means we are doing it the old fashioned way--by maul and wedge!  There's also the interior work to do in the shop.  And landscaping work...and more!  Plenty to keep us busy.

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds awesome! especially getting fresh eggs from your chickens. But it sounds like the makings of a comedy movie with all the hens wanting the same box! I didn't realize that you home school your monkeys. What a responsibility! Teaching Ham Radio sounds like a challenge. I recall that Richard (another refugee from M&S) is big into ham radios. We're experiencing 80+ temps here in the NE so not sure when Autumn is actually suppose to happen.


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