Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon, Red Planet, and Spica

That is a Blood Moon, as seen over DFW at 02:45 04/15/14.  The bright "star" to the upper right is actually Mars, the Red Planet.  The small dimmer star is Spica. 

Taken with a Samsung Galaxy S4, in Night Mode, held by hand, supported by a ladder.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lot of fun, last night with the Monkeys. We all 'camped out' in the living room so as not to awaken DH in the middle of the night.

    My phone went off at 01:50, and I stepped out to see what things looked like. It was cold! And clear, and the moon was almost all in shadow.

    I got the kids up, and we went out back to watch the skyshow. I popped a little freezer pizza in the oven, for a treat, and when it was ready we came in and they devoured it.

    This gave the moon time to turn a glorious red which continued for over an hour before beginning to fade as the shadow moved away.

    The viewing was perfect, and I am so glad we managed to get up and see the show.

    My photo (this was the best of the lot) does not do it justice, but you can get an idea what it was like in real life.


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