Friday, August 29, 2014

This SO needs a caption!

This is Indy, sound asleep this morning on the dog couch.  That's Cody in the background.

Post your caption ideas in the comments section.


  1. This is adorable! I wish I could think of a fun caption. I'm a little brain dead - just got done teaching a 6.5 hour class ;-)

  2. "It's been a hard day's night and I been sleeping like a dog"

  3. The one that came to my mind was "It's 5 o'clock somewhere..."

  4. That is an adorable picture but darn it I can't think of anything. Witty repertoire escapes me after driving 430 miles today. Oh, and bathing the dogs once I got home. (Kennel stink is the worst! ha ha) Now must go fix supper. Where's the maid when you need her? *LOL* ~:)

  5. I just love my Craftmatic Adjustable Couch!

  6. move over Rover, Mama wants to lay down too.


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