Friday, July 21, 2017

All that's fit to read

A fellow blogger and Texan recently (as in this week) published his first book.  And what a book it is!  LawDog, as he is known on the net, has published his first book via Amazon, in e-book format, with the dead tree edition soon to follow.  This bit of news was cause for much celebration and laughter here at the casa.  We have followed 'Dog's blog for years now, and always enjoy his tales, both of his unique upbringing in Africa, and of his work in rural law enforcement in Texas.  It is the latter which is the subject of his initial book, The LawDog Files.

I purchased the book while riding shotgun in the truck today, visiting various Doctors Orthopedic, dining on Hard 8 BBQ, and bemoaning the state of traffic in the Metromess.  Of course, I immediately began reading.  I couldn't help but laugh, loudly enough to receive inquiry from DH.  So I began to read to him as he drove.  Sort of an Audiobook...with giggles.  I couldn't help it--it's that good!

His second book, tales of growing up in Africa, is due out in a month or two.  You can check for updates on that, if you follow his blog, also known as The LawDog Files, btw.  He has posted a pre-order link on the blog, for those who are ready to order early.

If you enjoy reading funny stories (most of them anyway) with a take on rural Texas life and law enforcement, you will love this book.  'Dog has a wicked wit, and quite the unique turn of phrase.  I personally, am eagerly looking forward to the second book, African Adventures.  I want to read The Ratel Pit again!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I've been scratching my head trying to figure out what to get my hubs for his birthday next month. He'll be turning 50 but I don't think he wants a big party. And most likely he won't actually be home for it anyway. But this book you describe might be something he'd enjoy.


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